Monday, February 15, 2010

police Lietenant Columbo stopped by, sort of.

Los Angeless Police detective Lietenant was driving in his piece of junk car, saw a army of well armed human and doggie police officers in a very violent gun battle, with a group of a bunch of violent rap singers, led sean puffy combs and jazy-z, 2 well armed doggie police officers named tess and rufus stood in the path of Lietenant Columbo's crapy car, pointed their m-16 machine guns, at his car, these 2 very well armed doggie police officers, fired their machine over his car, to make him ,pull off to help in these very violent gun battle, Police Lietenant Columbo pulled his craby car over along the side, of the road, he got out of his craby car, police officers malloy and reed gave Police Lietenant Columbo a 44 magum with bulletts,to use with it, and wear a bullet proof vest, if he refused to use the 44 magnum hand , police officers malloy and reed had permission to shot police Lietenanat in both legs, if he resfued to use his gun, after a few minutes Los Angeless Police Detective Columbo started firing his 44 magnum hand at these very violent rap singers.

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