Monday, May 3, 2010

Former Green Berert John Rambo plans to attack

Doggie Los Angeless Police Commissinor Shelby the dog, Told Members of The Los Angeles Police deptment and The F.B.I AND The Cailforina State Police to Let former Green Beret John Rambo Rush and attack the giant and well armed manision full of very violent rap singers, from Doggie and Human Los Angeless Police Reports from Police helicopters flying over Rap Crime Lord's Sean Puffy Combs and Very Violent assitant rap crime Jay-z ,who likes pulling out his loaded hand gun and kinfe,when ever he feels like to and rap assinat crime Lord Jay-z gets mad at anyone who dances to his singer's wife music, when its played when he and sean puffy combs are siting at table eating lots of steaks and drinking gallons of wine, they hide 2 -357 magum hand guns under what ever table,that they sit at.
There have Police Reports,that many of the very violent rap singers have left sean puffy combs giant house, through a back entranice.
Sean Puffy combs and Jay -Z, had very violent rap singers named the game and 50 cents plant stolen u.s army mines, to make it harder from the Los Angeless Police from entering in the back entrance.

At the moment, all Los Angeles Police officers and F.B.I AGENTS, ARE moving to other places to clear the way, for the coming air strike That will be Launched by 200 f-16 fighter bombers and 60 Well armed U.S Army Black helicopters will fly over Sean puffy combs giant house and start firing their heavy machine guns, at that they very violent group of rap singers who still refuse to give up the LAPD ,the F.B.I AND A.T.F and the califorina state police who now clearing the area, for the coming air strike on sean puffy comb's giant house.

new job for mob hit man and merceneriesrs

Newly appointment Los Angeless Police Commissioner named Shelby the dog, was given the job of Los Angeless Police Commissioner, because former Los Angeless Police Commissinor Lizzy,the dog was appointed doggie president of the united states,becasuse Bo,the first dog, did not want the job, becasuse he was too busy being the first dog, and running around the White House Lawn looking for dog treats to eat and bark at all the white house serecrt service agents guarding president obama.
Newly Doggie Los Angeless Police Commissioner Shelby the dog, was get permission from doggie cailforina governor sadie the dog, to sent mercenary for hire named Jonathan Shale along his very brave and very well armed mercniersyers to Fly, To Isreal, to be given weapons, humvess,and a Isreali army troop escort into Lebannon, and fight off 5000 Hams insurgents, as they make their way to the Lebannon-Iranian border, where they will meet up with 5000 u.s army speacial forces opreatives, an mob hit named Fenner was flown by Doggie U.S Marshals and F.B.I Agents, their mission is take a break fighting very well armed rap singers with weapons in Los Angeless,Califorina,where they will fly at night in u.s army black hawk heicopters into Iran, in a area ,near the moutains, about 500 miles from Terhan, to find,Locate and Shoot and kill for sure the nasty Leader of the Pakistani-Tailbain ,his name is Chief Hakimullah Mehsud, to prevent and stop him from sending 5000 of his miltants from Launching a attack on major U.S Cities.
Jonathan Shale,and his fellow mercinaries,along with the 5000 u.s army specail force opreatives, will have to fight off about 5000 Pakistani-Tailbain Miliants.
Doggie U.S Army Chief of staff named Jet,the dog, will order and have 1000 u.s air force f-16 fighter bomber take off from one of the 500 u.s navy aircraft carriers, crusing along the persine gulf.
Mob Hit man Named Fenner will have the main job of shooting and killing the Leader of Pakistani-Tailban Miltants, so help maybe earn a pardon from Doggie u.s president Lizzy,the dog.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

rap music crime co-crime lords puff dady and jay-z

Head co,crime rap Lords named Sean Puffy Combs and Jay-z, plan have many of fellow armed raper friends and crimanmals leave his giant house, to fly san diegio, cailforina, to help the Iranian and North Korean miltarty fight the u.s miltarty and bristish and french nato miltary forces in san diegio, califorina, which might take a few days to get done doing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2 reatiaty stars coming to help violent rappers

Los Angeless Police Detectives Lou Torrey,Rick Hunter, got a police report from the Cailforina State Police Detpartment, that evil reaity tv stars named Russell Hautz and Boston Rob Marino left his great looking wife, to carry hand guns and they are on their way here to Crime rap singer Sean PUFFY Combs's house, to help him and his fellow very violent rap singer shot at very well armed Human and Doggie Los Angeless police detectives and F.B.I A gents.
VERY Brave Los Angeless Police Detectives Lou Torrey and Rick Hunter, just got into rick hunter's unmarked Police car, to drive to scooter internatioal airport, to prevent those reatity stars from getting here, to help those very violent rap music singers.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

2 new police detectives are here to help

A Los Angless Police Heilcopter, just dropped off 2 more police detectives, who are both well armed, with plently of hand guns and pump shot guns, with plenty of bullets to use in them in, againast all those very well armed and very violent rap singers led by co rap music crime Lords named sean puffy combs and jay-z, their names are Los Angeless Police detective Lou Torrey ,who used to work for the New York CITY Police, becasuse he shot too many bullets into armed gun man running from him, while on the job, in new york, city, his new partner,Boomer the dog, who likes to carry 2 -44 magnum hand guns, with him on the job.
Los ANGELESS doggie and human police commisions NAMED Lizzie ,the dog and Cherry Harrison asked the u.s army's delta force miltary unit , to drop very loud chef named into the grounds of rap music crime lord's giant house, Emeril Lagasse into the area , where all those very violent rap music singers are hiding, so the u.s army Delta force commandos can launch a armed raid , to kill all the armed rap music singers.

Friday, March 12, 2010

more rap music singers coming to help.

a doggie owned Cadlilca Escalade owned by theo,the dog, who reported stolen to the Los Angeless Police doggie Division commanded by Logan and sheby,the dogs, was a very violent group of rap music singers, named Dorrough and his rap music friends named Damaged Goods who are very well armed ,carrying lots of hand guns and m-60 machine guns, which are theo,the dog's stolen car,
there is all points Los Angeles Police and F.B.I alert ,to lanuch a chase for these very dangerous and very violent Rap singers, who are reported to driving that stolen Cadlilca Escalade to rap music crime Lords Sean Puffy Combs giant house, where himself and rap co-crime Lord Jay-Z, along with many other very well armed rap music singers in very violent gun battle with doggie and Human members of the Los Angeless Police Department and 60,000 Doggie and Human F.B.I Agents who are all well armed.
there 100,000 u.s army rangers shooting their heavy weapons at these rap singers.
Their members from the a.t.f and their N.S.A agents also.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mob Hitman named Fenner brought into the help

The scpd police deptment had flown in by Police Heilcopter, to help the many thousands of Los Angeless human and doggie police officers, F.B.I Agents, and The A.T.F Agents, and the many u.s army rangers, to help in their very violent gun battle rap music crime Lord Sean Puffy Combs gang of very well armed rap singers, at here at his massvie giant house, a mob hitman named Fenner on this scpd police heilcopter on his way, to help in this gun battle.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more help coming ,Vigilante Paul Kersey

doggie Los Angeles Police Commissioner, Lizzy,the dog, has made a cell phone call to The Los Angeless Police Department's Vigilante Division headquarters, Lizzy, asked San Francisco Police LT. Bridges, working for the Los Angeless Police Department, to Lone Vigilante named Paul Kersey who turned trigger happy Vigilante, after his wife was killed by muggers in New York City, and his daughter,later killed by nasty muggers, while Los Angeless, cailf, Police Lt, Bridges will ask and Los Angeless doggie Police captain scooter, will have a Los Angeles Police Heilcopter fly Lone Vigilante Paul Kersey, to the scene of the very violent gun battle going on between The Los Angeless Police Deptment, along with doggie and human agents from the F.B.I and the ATF, with very violent rap music crime lord sean puffy combs, along with his very violent gang of rap singers, who are all very well armed with weapons, Vigilante Paul Kersey will be bringing all his hand guns, along a grenda lanucher, and also, lots of heavy machine guns and a flame thrower, he will be brought in,to the police ,the f.b.i and atf and the u.s army rangers in their very violent gun battle with these these very violent rap singers.
The Nearby U.S miltary base, has a fleet of b-52 Bombers on stand by reading to take off, which are armed with very power bombs, that will be dropped on rap music crime lord's sean puff daddy combs house, U.S. Air Force Brig Gen Warren a Black aka Blackie will fly lead in his B-58 Hustler fighter Bomb, which can carry a nuclear weapon on it, doggie u.s air force pilots, jean, pearl, mia ,pocket and cassie will pilot and fly along his plane, in their f-14 Fighter bombers.
There uncomfrimed doggie and Human C.I.A news reports, that rap music crime lord sean puffy combs partners in crime, 50-cent and jay -z, have shoulder held surface to air missiles, which rap music singer, Lill wayne stole from u.s army weapons storge unit, and sean puffy combs plans have his rap music crimanal buddies use on any f-14 fighter planes flying over his giant house.

Monday, March 1, 2010

John Rambo and Jonathan Shale are coming .

Former U.S Army Special John Rambo, along with Mercenary Jonathan Shale, and his fellow well armed Mercenaries named Hollan, Joey Six, Rem and Wellman are being flown into help the army of Doggie and Human Los Angeless Police officers, F.B.I AGENTS and ATF agents and also the many u.s army rangers, that are in a middle of a very violent gun battle with rap music crime lords, named sean puffy combs, jay-z, and timbland.
The human and Doggie nsa agents at the scene of this very violent gun battle , got reports, that very violent and very well armed rap singers named the game, Ludacris and young Buck are driving their very fast and very well armed, 60 well armed doggie and human Cailforina State Police officers, camed Becky, hugley and shaffer and tate are all carriing enough weapons in their police cars, and they are in the middle of setting up a state police block, to prevent these very violent rap singers from joining their fellow rap singers.
a local doggie bake shop, near the area ,where they area, where these 3 very violent rap singers driven their bmw, has been given police protection from these very nasty and very violent rap singers.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sheriff Amos tupper,jessica fletcher stop by.

Sheriff Amos Tupper,who is sheriff,of Cabot Cove, Maine, is flown by a 2 very armed doggie u.s marshals named tess and rufus who are well armed, sheriff amos tupper, is flown to the very violent gun battle going on in Los Angeles ,Cailf, between rap music crime lord Sean Puffy Combs very violent group of rap singers, against well armed Doggie and Human Los Angeless Police officers, F.B.I agents, ATF Agents and u.s army rangers.
2 other human u.s marshals named Jenny and Lauire were flown to cabot cove maine, to force and bring writer Jessica Fletcher to go to the scene of this very violent gun battle and be forced to use a 44 magnum hand gun, with plently of bulletts and wearing a bullett proof vest, during the gun battle ,if jessica fletcher refuses to corpareate with them, she will sent to a doggie Federal Prison on Jeepers Resort Island, run by dogs and humans, she will given a 100 year prison term there.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

more nasty armed rap singers coming to help

very violent rap music crime lords named sean puffy combs, jay-z, and their new ex-crime lord named timbland who just landed his stolen heilcopter, under poilce gun fire, have called their cell phones for very violent rap singers, to bring all their weapons to help in this very violent gun battle with the Los Angeles Police department, The F.B.I, AND The ATF, rap singers on the way to help are Fat-b, who allways carries 60 hand guns, 700 m-16 machine guns, with plenty bullets, to use in them.
Fat-B- the rap singer, is driving in his bullett prof hummer, being chased by F.B.I Agents, along with private detective Joe Mannnix, who is carrying all the hand guns, that he needs to use in this very violent car chase, with this very violent and armed rap singer, the rap singer named Fat -B IS wearing a bullett proof vest, other rap singers riding with in his bullet proof hummer are, wreck-mic, Dawg Wongder,and inertia and pikahasso and Jus One, who are all carrying guns, shooting at the F.B.I agents ,chasing them.
another stolen u.s army heilcopter flying to sean puffy comb heavy guraded house, is carrying more very violent rap singers, who are all carrying weapons, with them, who on their way, to help rap crime lord sean puffy combs in his on going gun battle, with very well armed human and doggie Los Angeless Police officers, F.B.I Agents, ATF Agents, more u.s Army rangers and more brought into this very violent gun battle.
the names of the other rap singers who are riding in that stolen u.s army heilcopter, are,-Play-n-skillz, prince rich,mr.hit dat hoe, treal lee, dj.drop,bone,all firing weapons at the 60 u.s army ranger and Los Angeless Police Heilcopters who are chasing after them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

rap singer chris brown being chased by police.

rap singer chris brown in his bmw, is being chased 50 Los Angeless Police Cars, led by police captain Peter Holly, is carrying his 44 magum hand gun, leo the dog, is doggie police officer partner throwing dogs at rapper chris brown's car, trying get him to pulled over, so he can be arrested and sent to a doggie run federal prison, to serve a life prison term for beating up his former girl friend.
rap singer chris brown is driving as fast ,as he can to get to rap crimainal crime lord sean puffy combs fancy well guarded fancy house, to them in their very violent gun gun battle, with thousands of doggie and human Los Angeless police officers, F.B.I, AND A.T.F AGENTS, who are also well armed.
The Los Angeless Police Deptpartment, had flown a well armed deranged psycho demented sniper, who will help these very brave Los Angeles police officers win this very violent gun battle rap singers sean puffy combs and jazy-z and have them both arrested and sent to a doggie prision.
more Los Angeless Police deptments S.W.A.T Members are being brought in by Los Angeless Police S.W.A.T sergant named Chris Button, along with his very well are human and doggie s.w.a.t members.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

another rap music crime lord named Timaland

a very nasty and very violent rap music crime lord, named Timbaland, along with his best crimminal rap crimmanl friend snopp dogg, the rap singer came flying in their very armed stolen u.s army black hawk heilcopter, are trying to land their black hawk heilcopter in the outside grounds of rap music crime lord sean puffy combs, to help their fellow well armed rap singers, in this very long and very violent gun battle, with very well human and doggie police officers and the 100,000 u.s army doggie and human rangers troops.

Monday, February 15, 2010

police Lietenant Columbo stopped by, sort of.

Los Angeless Police detective Lietenant was driving in his piece of junk car, saw a army of well armed human and doggie police officers in a very violent gun battle, with a group of a bunch of violent rap singers, led sean puffy combs and jazy-z, 2 well armed doggie police officers named tess and rufus stood in the path of Lietenant Columbo's crapy car, pointed their m-16 machine guns, at his car, these 2 very well armed doggie police officers, fired their machine over his car, to make him ,pull off to help in these very violent gun battle, Police Lietenant Columbo pulled his craby car over along the side, of the road, he got out of his craby car, police officers malloy and reed gave Police Lietenant Columbo a 44 magum with bulletts,to use with it, and wear a bullet proof vest, if he refused to use the 44 magnum hand , police officers malloy and reed had permission to shot police Lietenanat in both legs, if he resfued to use his gun, after a few minutes Los Angeless Police Detective Columbo started firing his 44 magnum hand at these very violent rap singers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

new police officers-malloy and reed just came

6 new police officers just to help in this very violent gun battle with this group of these very well armed rap singers, their names are police officers, pete malloy, james reed, police captain adam greer,along with his 3 very brave police under cover police offers named pete cochran, Linic Hayes,
and Juile Barnes, captain greer, pete cochran, Linc hayes and juile barnes rode in another police car, with very brave doggie police officers, named lucky and jet, who brought their 9mm bertgatta and their many boxes of dog treats and their water bowls, and their boxes full of doggie bottled water.
police officer, malloy and reed came in their own police car, wearing their bullett proof vests and carrying their pump shotguns, with plenty of bullets.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

sean puffy combs crimelord fancy well armed house

crimainal rap singer sean puffy combs, with help from cujio, the dog, kate gosslin, and lex luther and the joker and riddler, and penguin, and catwoman, john dillnger, and many sean puff combs well armed bodyguards, help build this well proctected and well armed giant house, outside mr.jeepers and porter,herbie city.
this well protected house has search lights covering this whole house.
there is a look out tower, rap singer t-pain with a m-16 machine in his hands, to shot at F.B.I agent, police officers wearing bullet proof vest who are carry weaons, along with well armed doggie police officers led by doggie police s.w.a.t commander hugley,the dog.
rapp singers,Lil Wayne, Lil Kim, Kayne West, 50 cents,along with his well armed body guards, along with rap singer NAS, who is carrying a 44 magnum hand, with plenty of bullets, along with other crimanal rap singers like Jay-Z, who is sean puffy combs partner in crime, who all ways carries lots of heavy weapons in his bmw.
other rap singer like Eminem is a deranged gunman ,besides rap singer, who also carries a weapon with him.
dmx,the rap stole heavy weapons from a nearby u.s army base, 60 police cars ,with doggie and human police officers, led by police LT,Molly and doggie police LT.francis,the dog, these 60 police cars chased raper's dmx's porsche through a very busy street, with these very brave doggie and human police officers firing their weapons at dmx, who pulled into the driveway of rapper sean puffy combs yard, the outside of his well armed house was covered in bullet holes, dmx,the rapper, ran through a open door of the house, with many of these brave doggie and human police officers running inside the house after him

doggie and human police officers, terri, megan, tracy, becky, scooter, pinpin, freeway, hugley, called for more police back up to help, in this very violent shootout and gunfight.
a nearby police car was in the area, they pulled their police car along the side of the road, their names are police officers, terry webster, and mike danko, riding in the back seat of their police officers, police doggie officers scrappy, ginger and daisy,who were well armed and wearing police proof vest, and carrying their m-16 machine guns, next to their boxes of dog treats.
and other police car, showed up in the area, to help in this very loud gun battle ,with these very violent rap singers, their names human police officers, willie gillise and chris owens, with their police LT. Eddie Ryker, along doggie police officers, june, pearl, leo, tess and rufuss.
human and doggie police commissioners named cherry harrsion and theo the dog, called in a doggie and human F.B.I sharpshooters commanded by rachel, lauire, and jenny,and also chip,wolfy, roxely and sheby,the dog, along with her trusty human police officer partner named juile.
the u.s army, sent in 600 black hawk heilcopters ,which are armed with machine guns.